miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

Wednesday, October 3th, 2018

Group 3: Musical Instruments (Listening)
Resultado de imagen para musical instruments gif
  • The teachers taught the musical instruments and their categories.
  • Teachers sang and play a song to help the students to complete a paper work.

Group 4: Stuff to take in a travel(Grammar)

Resultado de imagen para stuff to get in a travel gif
  • Teachers taught what kind of things you can take in a trip.
  • What are the different travels that you can do.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Final exam of the second register

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jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Next Classes Round

Group 1 : Directions (listening)

Resultado de imagen para give directions gif
  • At the beginning of the class the teachers put a song with some missing words and the students had to fill in the spaces with the missing words.
  • They taught some keywords to be able to give directions, such as right, left, forward, back, up, go forward, etc.
  • As part of the activities, the teachers put a song with the keywords. Students has to do what the song said.
  • Teachers recorded some addresses so that the students understood how to give an address.

  Resultado de imagen para give directions gif 

Group 2: Places in the city(reading)

  • As a warm-up activity, the students were divided into two groups, each group would choose a person to bandage it and then guide them towards the goal.
  • the students had to complement some pages putting into practice the directions classes and the prepositions.
  • The class was kind of feedback from past classes.
  • The students joined the name of some places with the images of these, as part of an activity.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Group 5 : City places (Vocabulary)

Imagen relacionada

  • The class started with an "pictionary" as a warm up activity, it was kind of fun.
  • The teachers show with posters the differents places around the city, some students guessed correctly what place was being shown or what object it was.
  • Also teachers taught some prepositions of place and how to use it.
  • At the end students did a "tour" around the city telling what places have a city and what things you can find in it.

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Group 6: prepositions of place. (Grammar)

Resultado de imagen para prepositions of place gif
  • The class started with a game called "sea and land".
  • This class was the continuation of the previous class, the teachers taught how to use the prepositions of place and apply them to indicate a direction.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Today there were 2 classes

Group 3 :  The professions (Reading)

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  • Teachers wore costumes that represented a profession and students had to guess that they were.
  • Students were very participative and they did some exercises as activity class.
  • At the end of the class, students did a practice about what they learn.

Group 4:  celebrations around the world (listening)

Resultado de imagen para celebrations around the world gif

  • The class was about the different celebrations around the world, for example we have September 15, the day of independence.
  • During the class, teachers showed a video of the celebrations days in Brazil.

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

First class taught by my colleagues

Group 1: Specials days (Vocabulary)

  • They talk about the special days like the father's day, valentine's day, Christmas,etc.
  • Also they give some common phrases.
  • The students had fun and they learned something new, I guess.

Group 2 : going to (Grammar)

  • Teachers explain the use and structure of the "going to"
  • also they asked to students to create phrases using the "going to".
  • this class was very funny and participative, students looked really happy

  • Resultado de imagen para first day class gif

    sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018

    Wednesday, August 23, 2018

    Information class

    Today we did a review of the exam and compared answers, we also organized the agenda to start teaching classes to new students, I am very excited.

    we successfully completed the first period

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    Now we are ready to start teaching.


    Wednesday, August 13, 2018.

    Test day 😊
    Resultado de imagen para exam gif

    Before the exam, there was a last presentation.

    The group 6, taught about Acquiring listening skills through listening to music (listening)

    They began with the warm up activity it was fun because it was about guessing tongue twister. One of the tongue twister was 

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
    if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
    and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would
    if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

    Then the class started with the song and we had to complete with some missing words and create sentences with the missing words. We learned some new words to use in our daily conversations.

    Then, the exam 😵it was kind of difficult remember some things but at the end I did it, yesss.

    Resultado de imagen para exams over gif

    Wednesday, August 8, 2018.

    Second day with the group classes... 

    The group 4, taught about Storytelling skills (Reading)

    We did a kind of drama, we had to read and some classmates had to do dramatization of what we read
    The  tales that we read were:

    • The 3 little pigs
    • Little Red Riding Hood
    • Goldilocks and the 3 bears

    We have a lot of fun with this activity.

    The group 5, taught about listening thru films (listening)

    They showed us some parts of films and we had to answer some questions.

    the movies they took as examples were:

    • Hotel Transylvania
    • Grown ups

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    viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

    Wednesday, July 25, 2018.

    Today we start with the classes given by our classmates, to be able to put into practice our teacher skills and to be able to teach the lessons to the new students

    The group 1 taught about food: good or bad for you  (Reading).

    We did some activities and resolve some tasks.

    The group 2, taught about dependent and independent clauses (Grammar)

    Independent and dependent clauses are the building blocks of sentences. A single independent clause can be a sentence, by itself. However, dependent clauses are used to make sentences more complete and more interesting. Using conjunctions and proper punctuation, dependent and independent clauses can be joined together to create interesting and complex compound sentences that are fun and engaging to read.

    • An independent clause is a clause that can stand on its own, by itself.

    • A dependent clause is a clause that does not express a complete thought

    The group 3, taught about Cinematography (Vocabulary)

    Here there are different categories inside a cinematography.

    • Silent films, is a film with no sound
    • cinematographer, 
    • role play,
    • Cameo,
    • Caption,
    • Screenwriter,
    • Supporting cast,
    • Theatrical blood
    • Squib

    jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

    Wednesday, July 18, 2018

    Today´s class was about the different objectives in PDP and PDP teaching frameworks.

    There are some examples of objectives.

    • Objectives for PPP  framework

    At the end of the class SWBAT (SWBAT means, students will be able to) properly use at least 5 out of 10 objectives to describe personality when talking about someone famous.

    At the end of the class SWBAT demonstrate good command of the present simple and linking words when describing daily routine.

    • Objectives for PDP framework
    At the end of the class SWBAT demonstrate listening comprehension of the passage "(name of the book)" by successfully completing a set of gist and detail question.

    At the end of the class SWBAT demonstrate reading comprehension of the passage "(name of the book)"  by successfully answering some detail question about the text.

    Also the teacher explained some activities for the register 1.