jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Next Classes Round

Group 1 : Directions (listening)

Resultado de imagen para give directions gif
  • At the beginning of the class the teachers put a song with some missing words and the students had to fill in the spaces with the missing words.
  • They taught some keywords to be able to give directions, such as right, left, forward, back, up, go forward, etc.
  • As part of the activities, the teachers put a song with the keywords. Students has to do what the song said.
  • Teachers recorded some addresses so that the students understood how to give an address.

  Resultado de imagen para give directions gif 

Group 2: Places in the city(reading)

  • As a warm-up activity, the students were divided into two groups, each group would choose a person to bandage it and then guide them towards the goal.
  • the students had to complement some pages putting into practice the directions classes and the prepositions.
  • The class was kind of feedback from past classes.
  • The students joined the name of some places with the images of these, as part of an activity.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Group 5 : City places (Vocabulary)

Imagen relacionada

  • The class started with an "pictionary" as a warm up activity, it was kind of fun.
  • The teachers show with posters the differents places around the city, some students guessed correctly what place was being shown or what object it was.
  • Also teachers taught some prepositions of place and how to use it.
  • At the end students did a "tour" around the city telling what places have a city and what things you can find in it.

Resultado de imagen para hospital gif          Resultado de imagen para school gif    Resultado de imagen para restaurant gif

Group 6: prepositions of place. (Grammar)

Resultado de imagen para prepositions of place gif
  • The class started with a game called "sea and land".
  • This class was the continuation of the previous class, the teachers taught how to use the prepositions of place and apply them to indicate a direction.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Today there were 2 classes

Group 3 :  The professions (Reading)

Resultado de imagen para professions gif

  • Teachers wore costumes that represented a profession and students had to guess that they were.
  • Students were very participative and they did some exercises as activity class.
  • At the end of the class, students did a practice about what they learn.

Group 4:  celebrations around the world (listening)

Resultado de imagen para celebrations around the world gif

  • The class was about the different celebrations around the world, for example we have September 15, the day of independence.
  • During the class, teachers showed a video of the celebrations days in Brazil.

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

First class taught by my colleagues

Group 1: Specials days (Vocabulary)

  • They talk about the special days like the father's day, valentine's day, Christmas,etc.
  • Also they give some common phrases.
  • The students had fun and they learned something new, I guess.

Group 2 : going to (Grammar)

  • Teachers explain the use and structure of the "going to"
  • also they asked to students to create phrases using the "going to".
  • this class was very funny and participative, students looked really happy

  • Resultado de imagen para first day class gif